Politics on the edge
Rory Stewart
Rory Stewart is the PM we should have gotten in 2019, it's a shame the cons couldn't get behind him. As he's gone on to do the podcast with Alastair Campbell it's clear he really does want to fix things and make things better in this country.
I don't agree with everything he stands for but on the whole, he seems like a decent person (you can't judge someone on their voting record) and would have been a good leader.
I have a feeling he may still come back to politics in the future.
The book primarily tells a story of frustration, bordering on despair. Its overwhelming theme is how soul-sappingly difficult it is, in modern politics, to get anything done - not just as a backbench MP, but as a minister.
"Do we need to tear the system apart and build a new system?" seems to the the question he leaves us with.
update found after finishing the book
I stumbled upon this blog by Dominic Cummings on Twitter: https://dominiccummings.substack.com/p/4-the-startup-party-time-to-build and even though he and Rory are famously not aligned on many things, it is interesting to me that they both seem to feel the same way about goverments inefficiencies.
In regards to the blog post, that was a long but interesting read filled with some great reform ideas for what seems to be a broken political system.